Relentless Representation For Challenging Medical Malpractice Claims

Seeking Compensation For Fetal Distress Injuries

When a newborn experiences a declining condition before, during or after labor, they may experience “fetal distress.” This condition can be detected throughout the process with ultrasound or heart monitoring, and it can result in a lifetime of consequences. When a child suffers from unnecessary detail distress, the liable party needs to be held accountable for their actions.

Frank Morrissey is a Chicago attorney who is committed to helping victims of medical malpractice and birth injuries through their injury claims. At Morrissey Legal Group, LLC, you can find the representation you need to seek justice for what your child suffered, no matter what caused the incident.

Causes Of Fetal Distress

Anyone can tell you that a newborn child is extremely vulnerable to the world, and any kind of interaction with the newborn or the mother can cause avoidable harm to the child. Common causes of fetal distress include:

  • Failing to observe amniotic fluid levels
  • Misusing epidurals or forceps
  • Delaying the delivery for too long
  • Failing to check the vitals of the mother
  • Not monitoring the fetal heart rate

These and other actions can result in injuries during the birth process, including cerebral palsy, brain injuries and stillbirth. Frank Morrissey is a fetal distress lawyer who is committed to exploring all available avenues of seeking justice for these injuries through negotiation and litigation. He is prepared to build the strongest case he can to help his clients through such a difficult time.

Hold Medical Professionals Accountable In Illinois

Do not make the mistake of believing statements from the hospital like “these things happen” or “there was no avoiding this.” While you are focusing on your child’s health, let a skilled fetal distress attorney review the details of your case to determine what course of action is necessary to protect your best interests.

Call 312-815-5856 or reach out online to schedule your initial consultation today. The sooner you contact an attorney about your case, the sooner you can start working to reach the outcome you deserve.